"Brokeback Mountain"
Just got back from Brokeback Mountain, and I loved it. I thought the performances were very understated and real. I thought Ann Hathaway was wonderful. I liked the fact that it was visually driven and not language driven. The internal monologues seemed almost as strong as the verbal. AND I really liked the fact that no labels were used. The tv critic who characterized Twist as a "sexual predator" really has no CLUE.
And it opens up the whole discussion of what is bisexuality. And many of you have heard me rant about that before.
I recommend that you see it on the Big Screen, if possible. The scenery is spectacular!
I also liked the fact that they aged the characters believably; everything about the film was understated. I will probably get it on DVD when it comes out.
I hope to see "Transamerica" on Thursday. I will have lots to write and say about that one, I am sure!